Monday, February 20, 2012


I have taught Gospel Doctrine (Adult Sunday School) in my Ward (local church house of the LDS church) for the last year.  It has been interesting the trials I have faced as I have learned and then taught others about the scriptures.  Last year we focused on The New Testament and I was introduced to many women who have provided me strength and courage through some of these trials.  Over the past several months I have toyed with the idea of putting something together to help me and others to understand these glorious women but have not taken that first step.  After much prayer I have decided to start this process of raising an awareness of these women and their examples through this blog.  Not only will I attempt to discuss the scriptures that they are found in but I will also attempt to show how we can use their examples to provide us strength in our own trials and tribulations.

I am a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (a Mormon) and therefore the scriptures I will use are our entire Standard Works, which includes The Holy Bible (King James Version), The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine & Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price.  I will explore examples of women in these scriptures, both the good and bad.  I feel it important to learn about those who are named (ex:  Miriam & Sarah) and those who are unnamed (ex:  the women who fought over the child & the woman with an issue of blood).  I will jump around the scriptures instead of sticking with one until all the women are addressed.  For example, one week I may discuss Keturah and then the next week the mother of Mary and the week after that Emma Smith or Sarah.

If there is someone you are interested in learning about I encourage you to let me know.  I will do my best to answer any comments and questions I receive.  Look for updates to this blog on Sundays or Mondays. 

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